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LastFM Support

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:53 pm
by iggyCeltic
Using the WebService::LastFM CPAN module I have been able to get URLs that working with mpd to stream playlists. Issue I am running into is that I have to copy the next track url into mpc after every song. Tried to PAR package the perl script that I have to play on my laptop, but the space requirements are about double what is left on the router. I believe that it is possible to get the Last.FM 1.2 api working from a shell script, which should require less space than installing a full perl installation. Has anyone been able to get this to work? Willing to attempt to break down the module for what web services need to be hit, but don't want to do the work if it has already been done.

Have some working code below. You will need to change the username, password and station variables. Other than that it works like a charm. No issues with this since I got it working a couple days ago.

Code: Select all

wget -O ${SESSIONFILE} ${url};
status=`grep FAILED ${SESSIONFILE}`;
if [ "${status}" != "" ]
  echo "Authentication Failed\n";
  exit 0;
session=`grep session ${SESSIONFILE} | cut -d= -f2`;
wget -O /dev/null ${url};
while [ 1 ]
  wget -O ${PLAYLISTFILE} ${url};
  for tag in location title album creator duration
    OUT=`grep "<${tag}>.*</${tag}>" ${PLAYLISTFILE} | sed -e "s/^.*<${tag}/<${tag}/" | cut -d">" -f2 | cut -d"<" -f1 | sed -e "s/^.*$/\{&\}/" | sed -e "s/ /+/g" | sed -e "s/'//g" | sed -e "s/\&//g"`;
    eval ${tag}='$(echo ${OUT})';
  while [ ${i} -lt 6 ] 
    j=$(expr ${i} + 1);
    curLoc=$(echo "${location}" | cut -d'}' -f${i} | cut -d'{' -f2);
    curDur=$(echo "${duration}" | cut -d'}' -f${i} | cut -d'{' -f2);
    curTitle=$(echo "${title}" | cut -d'}' -f${j} | cut -d'{' -f2);
    curArt=$(echo "${creator}" | cut -d'}' -f${j} | cut -d'{' -f2);
    mpc del 1;
    mpc add ${curLoc};
    mpc play;
    dur=$(echo ${curDur} | sed 's/...$//');
    echo "Title: ${curTitle}  Artist: ${curArt} Time: ${curDur} Duration: ${dur}";
    while [ ${gr} -eq 1 ] 
      sleep 1;
      gr=`mpc | grep playing | wc -l`;
      k=$(expr ${k} + 1);
    i=$(expr ${i} + 1);

Re: LastFM Support

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:00 am
by gerben
You could run the code on a webserver and have the router only wget the current/next song. The shell script only has to update the playlist if the song in the wget changed, or something like that. Just a thought.

Re: LastFM Support

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:49 pm
by iggyCeltic
If I can't get anything else working, that might be the route that I have to take. But currently want to try to get everything self contained on one machine. Especially since I know that once I get it done I will have someone request that I build one for them and don't want to force someone else to have a webserver just to get the radio to work.

Thank you for the suggestion though.

Think I have a working solution just under the space requirements that I had for myself. Once I can test it I will post the result here if successful.

Re: LastFM Support

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:47 am
by iggyCeltic
Got the following working with bash not on the router. Looks like there is something that I am forgetting between switching from bash to ash. Any tips?

Fixed that issue.

Slight issue with calculating song durations ( duration tag isn't correct). Once I get that issue fixed will post the result here

Re: LastFM Support

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:13 pm
by iggyCeltic
First post updated with working code. If you use it let me know if you had to make any tweaks to it or any suggestions for updates.

Currently I am looking for a way to be able to change the station on the fly. Also need it to scrobble the actual plays to Figured I would share the success so far though.

Re: LastFM Support

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:43 am
by gerben
That is some good looking code. Thanks for sharing. I'm not using LastFM, but who knows.