Air light NOT coming on

Discussion about my Wifi Radio project at or my WL-520gU talk at NOTACON.
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by Macgos »

Finally got my wifi radio to work. A new sound adapter turned up and wow! the sound is great. Thanks Jeff for your help ;)
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by mightyohm »

Glad you got it figured out.

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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by dblumenstetter »

Hey guys. I'm having a similar problem and was hoping you could help. Tried setting up the asus WL-520GU starting with the youtube vid then saw your link to the recommended settings but still having trouble. I can get the air light on the router but I get an error after restarting the router with "/etc/init.d/network restart"

udhcpc (v1.15.3) started
Sending discover...
Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C) :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument

I took the following steps to get this far, do you see anything else I can try? Thanks

Code: Select all

login as: root
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.15.3 (2010-04-06 04:08:20 CEST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 Backfire (10.03, r20728) --------------------------
  * 1/3 shot Kahlua    In a shot glass, layer Kahlua
  * 1/3 shot Bailey's  on the bottom, then Bailey's,
  * 1/3 shot Vodka     then Vodka.
root@OpenWrt:~# vi /etc/config/wireless
config wifi-device  radio0
        option type     mac80211
        option channel  5
        option macaddr  bc:ae:c5:a7:50:30
        option hwmode   11g

        # option disabled 1

config wifi-iface
        option device   radio0
        option network  wan
        option mode     sta
        option ssid     NKHM5
        option encryption wep
        option key      **********

root@OpenWrt:~# vi /etc/config/network
        option ports    "0 5"

#### Loopback configuration
config interface loopback
        option ifname   "lo"
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

#### LAN configuration
config interface lan
        option type     bridge
        option ifname   "eth0.0"
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

#### WAN configuration
config interface        wan
        option ifname   "eth0.1"
        option proto    dhcp
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/network restart
udhcpc (v1.15.3) started
Sending discover...
Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C) :
    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by gerben »

Mine says

Code: Select all

option type     broadcom
, but i'm using kamikazi, not backfire.

Did you get wifi to work in AP mode (i.e. default access point mode)? Have you tried it with encrytion disabled on the other router?
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by gerben »

You might want to check: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=532
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by Braklet »

@dblumenstetter, where did you get your Backfire image? The default builds load Broadcom firmware incompatible with the WL-520GU wireless interface. It will work if you build your own version of Backfire, configured to load the stable firmware. See the thread that gerben linked.

Also, when fooling with the wireless settings I suggest using "/sbin/wifi" instead of "/etc/init.d/network restart" . The former resets wireless interfaces only while the latter resets Ethernet interfaces too, wiping out your active telnet session.
More info here:, page down to "Start/Stop Wireless" section.
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by dblumenstetter »

Thanks everyone, working on it now. Let you know how it turns out.
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by dblumenstetter »

Ok, so I abandoned first attempt and used Kamikaze. Got it to load and connect similar to the other guys after a few minutes of letting it get it's feet under itself. Now I went to load ... es/mipsel/ in vi /etc/opkg.conf Got the following error...
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update
Downloading ... ackages.gz
wget: bad address ''
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp -P /tmp/opkg-qHrHnz ... ackages.gz'

Any ideas? Thanks guys.
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by gerben »

Seems like your router doesn't have a internet connection. It can't do a DNS lookup.
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Re: Air light NOT coming on

Post by Mrbiek »

I am having pretty much all the same issues. I have gone over all the code posted here inserting my own Network info, and the best i can do is get a slowly blinking air light. i am feeling a bit coo-coo.
this is my first foray into the wonderful world of voided warranties, so if i seem a bit slow, well its cause i am :-)
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