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Air light turns on, still can't ping

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:27 pm
by auntdracula
So after a lot of searching through this forum, I finally got the wifi up to the extent that the air light is on and the router shows up as a client on my household wifi router. I still can't ping any address though. When I run /etc/init.d/network restart, it pauses for a really long time at the adding dns message. So it seems like my wifi is fine, but I don't have the proper dns information. As a side note - my wifi is working fine for my computer, so I don't think it's a broader dns issue.

Here are the things in my /etc/config/network file that I've edited:

config interface lan
#option type bridge
option ifname "eth0.0"
option proto static
option ipaddr #not because that's my home wifi router address... not sure if this matters
option netmask
option gateway

config interface wlan #included after reading posts from jeroen94704, but not currently the network option in /etc/config/wireless file
option type bridge
option ifname wl0
option proto dhcp
option defaultroute 0
option peerdns 0

config interface wan
option ifname "eth0.1"
option proto dhcp
option gateway

my /etc/config/wireless looks like this:
config wifi-device wl0
option type broadcom
option channel 6

config wifi-iface
option device wl0
option network wan
option mode sta
option ssid 'My ID'
option encryption psk2
option key 'mykey'

I've also configured the firewall settings as recommended. My WPA2 is set to AES, and I've read in a couple posts that this should work. I am getting the message "wl0: invalid argument" that runs by when I try to restart the network. It doesn't hang on this message though, it runs past it to a "Sending discover" message, etc., until it hangs on the adding dns message.

Is this an issue with my gateway option setting in the network config file? Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Air light turns on, still can't ping

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:02 am
by gerben
Is it connected to a network that uses the same IP range

Re: Air light turns on, still can't ping

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:36 am
by auntdracula
No, my modem has a DHCP address range of

Which settings should I change to work with this? Should the gateway actually be the address assigned by my modem to my house wifi router?

Re: Air light turns on, still can't ping

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 7:55 am
by mightyohm
Your gateway is wrong, it should be the IP address of your home network's router, ie.

You can also try switching to WEP encryption temporarily until you get the basic network stuff working, it might make your life easier.