PID Controllers
- Sure Electronics CD101 - Cheap ($33 USD), K-type thermocouple only, Keith used this one in his hotplate project.
- CD101 Wiki Page - More information I have compiled on this inexpensive PID controller.
- Omega CN77343-A2 - The PID controller I used. Expensive new, >$200! I got mine for $10 surplus.
- Omega has cheaper PID controllers, but I haven't used any of them. Some are under $100.
- Omega CN4000 series - $69, Omega's lowest cost line, but still looks useful.
- Omega CN740 series - $88, SSR drive (DC pulse) version is special order, has RS-485.
- Auber SYL-2362 - $40, I have no experience with this one, but it is universal input and only 75mm deep (good for small boxes). Domestic shipping.
Both Sure Electronics and Auber sell on eBay, and usually you can get a better deal on the auctions than through their webstore.
resources/pid.txt · Last modified: 04/14/2011 08:13 by jeff