Category Archives: Uncategorized

Admin-only Access Fix for Stats Plugin

I use the Stats Plugin and highly recommend it to others who are interested in monitoring traffic to their WordPress blog.

One issue I have had with this otherwise excellent plugin is that only the ‘admin’ user is allowed to view the Blog Stats summary in the Dashboard.  To me, this is akin to having to constantly log in as root on a UNIX system – it should not be necessary and presents a security risk to the blog (one forgotten logout on a shared terminal could spell disaster for the blog).

To fix this, I modified the stats.php file, replacing all instances of ‘manage_options’ with ‘moderate_comments’.  This change allows both editors and admins to see stats by lowering the access level the plugin uses to decide if a user is authorized.

Thanks to this fix, I no longer have to log in as the blog administrator just to see stats.

Our 1950s house came with an instruction manual.

Our house came with an instruction manual that I recently found tucked behind some insulation in the garage. We live in a planned community built in San Francisco in the mid 1950s. This particular house was built in 1956 by Sunstream Homes, so the manual is over 52 years old.

The house also still has the original electric stove, but that’s another story.

What an awesome read, check out the fullsize version.

Sunsteam Homes Instruction Manual

The new home that you have purchased has to be adjusted to normal use, just the same as any new article. The following list of helpful hints and suggestions will be of great aid to you in prolonging the life of your home, besides saving you must expense in later years. You will get the most satisfactory results and the greatest enjoyment from your SUNSTREAM HOME by observing various items that are listed below: